How to go after the job you want, even if you don’t see it posted.


Right now in today’s market the job that you want could be a really wide range from I need a gig right now to pay my bills, to I’m looking to make that next career move that I have been building up to.

This is my 3rd economic downturn and some of the economic trends I saw in the last two are holding for this one as well.

So let’s talk about who does have jobs right now.  Let’s find the intersection of who has money and employers you could be excited about!

Here are a few categories that always do well, even during a pandemic.  

  • Gaming (Casual, eSports and Console)

  • Entertainment - TV and Streaming

  • CPG (but not health-food as people are eating their feelings)  

  • Alcohol

If you are in a state where Marijuana and CBDs are a non-issue that is a huge growth sector in all its forms.

Digital Products such as e-learning, fintech, delivery services, subscription services, and all the online apps and platforms are enabling a more digital interface heavy lifestyle rather than an in person experience.

Well, now we have some ideas of where to start looking and I’m sure if you do some Googling of who had a good quarter, booming biz in 2020 you can define your prospective new employer list.

I need to find myself contracts and new clients several times a year and here is what I like to do.

I’ve made my target list from the data above.

Then I have a few products that will help you scrape data for contacts on my target list -  I use rocket reach, and in addition to my long time friend, Linkedin.

Do you have a contact finding tool you love? - paste it into the comments below!

Next start making a list of 10 people that you are going to reach out to every day - from HR to Recruiting to Heads of the department you want to work for - and here is the crazy part - regardless of them having a posted job.  Not sure who the right person is? Start with HR, then go to heads of departments that look like a match.  No one is going to be mad at you for handing over a resume with matching skills and values to their org.

Now I know my value to them and I’m going to walk right up and tell them about it by Writing an informed, Value Full intro.

Show them you know what the company is up to, that you know whom you are speaking to and what your value is to them specifically.

Hi! I’ve worked for/on three companies, projects, agencies that are relevant to you, and some things that I’ve done for them (that would be relevant to your audience).  Keep it short, attach that resume, and hit send.

Do this every day until results are achieved.  Sooner rather than later you will find like-minded people at the places you want to work, or who can afford to pay you. Hopefully both!

But if you don’t tell them about yourself in the first place, how will they ever know you exist?

Who would you walk up to for your dream job - and why?  Let me know in the comments below.

Now you just sent a thoughtful, pertinent intro message that explains who you are, what your value is to them while giving that human easy access to you, should they want it.

Send a follow up 3 days after your initial send and then a 3rd - 3 days after that.  

Hey, if you get a no, not right now - that’s great!  You have the chance to start a convo! 

I hear you on not right now but what are you looking for - anyone I can point your way - anything I should keep an eye out coming up? What are you celebrating right now about your job?  

What value do you want to see employees bringing to the table?  What’s missing in your current org.  You are starting a conversation and a relationship - a no is still a response and starting point.

No one is ever going to get angry at an informed resource approaching them on LI or through their business e-mail- these are the proper venues! Don’t hit up people on their cell or social personal accounts.  It’s healthy to show respect for the separation of work and play.

10 people every day!  Grow your network and your relationships - and start telling people why you are valuable.

Nobody can advertise you better than you can so get out there and start spreading your value story!


Seeing the Same Position Posted week after week, month after month? What’s up?